Network Automation: CI/CD vs ITIL

September 01, 2021

As organizations look to streamline their networking processes, automation has become a critical component. While there are several automation frameworks available, CI/CD and ITIL are two of the most popular options. In this blog post, we'll compare these two approaches to help you determine which one is right for your organization.

What is CI/CD?

CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) is a software development approach that emphasizes continuous, automated testing and deployment. It involves using automated tools to build, test, and deploy code changes as quickly and efficiently as possible. CI/CD is designed to help organizations reduce the time and effort required to deploy new code updates while minimizing the risk of errors and downtime.

What is ITIL?

ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) is a set of best practices for IT service management. It provides detailed guidance on how to plan, design, deliver, and manage IT services to meet the needs of the business. ITIL is based on a set of five core principles: service strategy, service design, service transition, service operation, and continual service improvement.

Comparing CI/CD and ITIL

While both CI/CD and ITIL are designed to streamline networking processes, they take very different approaches. Here are some of the key differences:

Speed and Efficiency

When it comes to speed and efficiency, CI/CD is hard to beat. Its emphasis on automation means that code changes can be deployed much more quickly and with fewer errors than with manual processes. ITIL, on the other hand, is more focused on planning and documentation, which can slow down the deployment process.

Risk Management

CI/CD is designed to minimize risk by catching errors early in the development process and automating the deployment process to reduce the risk of human error. ITIL, on the other hand, emphasizes risk management through documentation and planning. While this can be effective, it can also be time-consuming and may not catch all errors.


CI/CD is highly flexible, allowing for rapid changes and agile development. ITIL, on the other hand, can be rigid, with a focus on standardized processes and documentation. This can be an advantage in terms of consistency and compliance, but it can also limit the ability to adapt quickly to changing business needs.

Which approach is right for your organization?

The answer to this question depends largely on your organization's goals and priorities. If speed and efficiency are critical, CI/CD may be the better choice. If risk management and compliance are the primary concerns, ITIL may be a better fit. Ultimately, the best approach is likely to be a combination of the two, with CI/CD used for rapid development and testing, and ITIL used for planning and risk management.


  1. "What is CI/CD? Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery Explained," Atlassian
  2. "What is ITIL? Information Technology Infrastructure Library," BMC Software
  3. "CI/CD vs ITIL: Which is Best for Your Business?" Prosperoware

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